Monday, April 29, 2013

Mommy's Night Out

This weekend I had my first Happy Hour since Sawyer was born (well actually longer b/c I didn't drink for 9 months) with my friend Megan. We went to a place down the street to make it easy. Her hubby Matt picked me up and my Matt picked us up it was really nice! We went early so that we didn't miss bedtime. Matt was a little nervous because this was the longest he had been alone with Sawyer. Sawyer was not having the best day either :( His naps were horrible and as I was walking out the door he pooped all over Matt! hahahaha I was expecting a call but Matt did great and Megan and I had a really nice time!

We started Sawyer on oatmeal cereal this week and he seems to like it much better then the rice cereal. He only gets a TBL a day but he is almost eating the whole thing compared to 3-4 spoonfuls of the rice cereal. We will start him on a vegetable when he is 6 months, which will be here soon! Good bye to the odorless breast-milk poops!

As I am typing this Sawyer is going on a 3 hour nap! It's funny... as soon I put it out into the universe that Sawyer sleeps 2 hours everyday for one of his naps it all goes to hell. Lately he has been taking 30-40 min naps for the first 2 naps and then the last one of the day is longer but he has been struggling to hit that second sleep cycle again. It's funny how 2 months ago I would have been perfectly happy helping Sawyer extend his nap with a boob or holding him but I am over it already! Take today for instance, I am so glad he is sleeping longer but after about 45 min I either have to feed him or hold him and then I can put him back down and he will sleep another hour. It will always baffle me why he can do it at night and sometimes during the day but lately he just can't do it on his own, what gives??? Don't get me wrong I will take this over his 2 months old days any day but come on dude! Mama wants to take a nap too but you keep waking me up!I have read every single book, blog, forum on napping and age seems to be the answer to longer, more consistent naps. I''ll be waiting :)
Belly is best? I knew he was going to be a belly sleeper.

Sawyer's ear imprint after a nap extension!
One of his fav's- ice chips for those 2 teeth

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Blog'n bout My Baby

I have been wanting to start a blog about our lives with Sawyer, especially since we don't live near family. I thought this would be a great way for grandparents, aunts and uncles to see what we have been up to. This little guy is growing fast and we don't want anyone to miss out on all the cool stuff he is doing. 

Sawyer just turned 5 months and each month just gets better. As most of you know, Sawyer was a tough baby! Around 3 months it got better and it continues to do so. However, I think his personality is behind some of the fussiness which is OK because at this point I can handle it. It is no where near what it was. 

As I type this Sawyer is screaming in his crib :) He puts himself to sleep now and sometimes there is crying and sometimes not. If he does cry, it is only for about 10 min at the most and then he is out. Naps are much better and pretty predictable  He is up in the morning about 6:45 am he goes down for his next nap about 8 am. For some reason he does not last long that first stretch of awake time. He will nap 45 min - 1 hr. and then he will go down about 11 am and give me about the same length. His last nap is about 2 pm and he will sleep for 2 hrs! Yes, that's right 2 hrs! Sometimes I have to help him get to the second hour with an extension. But as most of you know, extensions rarely worked but now it happens every time, it's a beautiful thing! He goes down for the night at 6:30-7 pm. Things are finally starting to fall into place and we have a good routine however, it doesn't always go so smoothly. We no longer swaddle him, which I thought would never end!  

His favorite thing right now is the Jumperoo. I think most of you have seen the video. It's nice to have another thing to put him in. He still enjoys the play mat but prefers to sit up. He can sit up unassisted for a few seconds. I can't wait for the day he can sit unassisted! He rolls over when he wants and has started to do it in the crib. Matt and I have found him on his belly a few times. 

We are so in love with this little guy and wish we were closer to family to share these moments with you all but this will have to do for now. I will try and update once a week with pics and video too!